Best Pancake Recipe – Superfood banana pancake with hemp and chia seeds

Breakfast of Champions –
a great breakfast recipe to start your day with positive energy.

Whole Wheat Flour ——— 1 cup
Organic Milk (fat-free) —– 1 cup
Hemp seeds —————– 1/4 cup
Chia seeds —————– 1/4 cup
Banana (ripe) ————— 2
Organic Eggs ————— 2
Cinnamon Powder —— — 1 tsp
Baking Powder ————– 1/2 tsp
Salt ————————— 1/2 tsp
Coconut oil ——————— 1 tbsp

Banana pancake with hemp seeds and chia seeds is tasty and appetizing and will provide you enough energy to become active.

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Background music:
Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License ()

One Comment

  1. Tahmine Mousavi says:

    wow … so yummmyyyyy

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