Healthy and Nutritious Avocado Shake/Smoothie – Happy St. Patrick’s Day

An avocado shake or smoothie is healthy and delicious. Actually, avocados are one of the chosen foods among health-conscious individuals. They contain a vast amount of nutrients including: vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin V5 and 6, potassium, and folate. They come in at about 160 calories and contain 2 grams of protein and 15 healthy fats. The list goes on, so what more can you ask for. Get the recipe:

You can alter the shake or smoothie in a few ways to suit your taste. First, we use honey to sweeten it up, but sugar or corn syrup can be used as a replacement. You can change the amount according to your diet and liking.

This recipe uses plain yogurt, but flavored or Greek can be used as a matter of personal preference. For example, a combination of strawberry or banana yogurt and avocado might be a nice touch.

We use 2 percent milk but skimmed or 1 percent could be used as well to make the smoothie more diet conscious.

The bottom line is to make the drink to your preferences. Watch the video, give it a try, and let us know what you think.

All photographs and video properties are original productions of, created by, and exclusive property of Cook n’ Share. Cook n’ Share is owned and operated by David Hood. I am submitting the on behalf of myself.

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  1. Tammy Coates says:

    oh yes I love smoothies I bet that would be good with a hint of rum

  2. Rue&Kids Life says:

    Your editing is upgrading! Awesome and thumbs up 😀

  3. Jr Sk says:


  4. Dogelife says:

    I’m pretty sure instead of honey my mom puts in this milk don’t know the name though and it’s tasty. Haven’t tried yours yet.

  5. Dwayne Wladyka says:

    Looks so yummy. Hope you have a Happy St. Patrick’s Day.

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