How to make Puff Pastry | Easy Puff Pastry Recipe

Puff pastry is made from butter trapped between paper-thin layers of dough.  This is how you make puff pastry sheets from scratch.


All-purpose flour – 1 cup
Salt 1/4 – tsp
Baking powder – 1/4 tsp
Lemon juice – 1tsp
Softened Butter – 90 g
Cold water from fridge


Take the flour add salt and baking soda mix add 2 tsp butter mix well add lemon juice and water to make smooth dough.Knead the dough for 1-2 min.Then cover the dough and let it rest for 10 min.Divide the dough in to 5 equal balls.Flatten each ball and brush with butter and sprinkle some flour on the top and set aside. Repeat the same process with the other balls.Each time you finish a sheet of dough, layer it under the other.When the last layer is ready place the other bunched layers over it so the buttered sides meet.Floured the surface and roll the layers together one more time.Brush the sheet with remaining butter.Fold the sheets from opposite ends to the centre and fold again to form a square.Puff pastry can stored in the fridge for upto 3 or 4 days for later use.

Anie’s Kalavara

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