Low Calorie Chocolate and Peanut Butter Milk Shake || THM FP

Here is a super yummy milk shake recipe brought to you by your’s truly! This shake is VERY low calorie and extremely filling! It is a THM Fuel Pull because is has very little (if any) fat and carbs. It is also a great dairy free shake option!

1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
4 doonks of stevia
1 scoop of collagen
1/2 cup of ice
3/4 cup of frozen diced okra
1 teaspoon on vanilla
1/2 teaspoon of xanthum gum/glucomannin
1/2 cup water

Put everything in a high quality blender and blend until smooth!

Thank you all so much for watching! Let me know if you tried it and liked it as much as I do! Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel and like this video if you did and I’ll see you next time!


  1. Megan Smith says:

    I made this tonight! Girl… I couldn’t even handle three T cocoa… you must love chocolate haha! Thanks for the recipe… I’ll tweak it a bit to have less cocoa! I liked the okra in it though!

    PS I love videos like this (tried and true recipes) and your THM menu plans! Even if it’s just an Instagram picture (hint hint)!!

  2. The Joyful Homemaker says:

    Yummy! How do you go about5 counting calories?…I don’t think I’d have a clue how many calories were in the stuff I eat!

    • Hannah C says:

      The Joyful Homemaker are use the fit bit app. It tells me how many calories I need to eat in a day based on my height and weight and age. I really like it!

  3. Emily R says:

    Looks yummy! what brand of blender do you have? 🙂

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