Pineapple Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie

Are you tired of your daily protein shake? Need a recipe to mix it up a little and keep you excited? You’re in the right place!

This protein shake is absolutely DELICIOUS. I mean, throw peanut butter and banana together and you’re already guaranteed creamy filling goodness. This recipe also adds electrolyte-rice coconut water, healthy fat-rich coconut milk and a bit of our Organifi Complete Protein.

Organifi Complete Protein is a creamy and delicious protein supplement, with a combination of hemp, pea and quinoa protein. It is also a reliable source of your daily vitamin and mineral needs when used as directed. Where do these nutrients come from? Straight from whole foods. We use only vitamins and minerals from real, whole foods like shiitake mushrooms, broccoli, carrots, etc. and never anything synthetic. This way your body knows exactly how to use and absorb the nutrients for maximum benefits!

Pineapple Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie

¾ cup frozen pineapple
½ banana
2 tbsp salted peanut butter
1 cup coconut water
¼ cup coconut milk
1 tbsp Complete Protein

Blend all ingredients until smooth. Enjoy immediately.

For more delicious recipes, be sure to follow our YouTube Channel FitLife TV!


  1. Jessica Medina says:

    Drew! I want to be like you when I grow up! Haha! I have been subscribed for a while and enjoy all of your videos. At times I like to grab my notebook and write down all the useful tips. I am currently 20, living on my own and still deciding what it is that I am most passionate about. I have started to include ACV, & turmeric in a lot of my favorite recipes. Through your channel, I have REALLY enjoy learning about natural ingredients & their health benefits. I have struggled with my weight in the past and it feels good to say I have lost 45 pounds in 4 months! I am working hard to keep my myself together and am now saving up to purchase Organifi Grean juice and a good quality juicer. In the near future I hope to purchase the turmeric pill form for my 74 yro father whom struggles with high blood pressure, cholesterol and other health issues. Just wanted to thank you for all your hard work and dedication. I am so thankful I came across your channel a while back. It really keeps me motivated and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!!!! YOU are appreciated 🙏🏼💪🏼🙌🏼

  2. Alexandria Addison says:

    Yum!! Ive been incorporating more pineapple 🍍 lately for its bromeline and muscle restoration effects! This looks so good!

  3. Sarah A. says:

    hey this video came up just in time, I just made homemade peanut butter yesterday. so
    I’m going to try this ,
    thanks, all the best to you!!

  4. Charlie McGing says:

    First… oh wait

  5. Joseph Clem says:

    Thanks again for another great video Drew…Again very helpful tips. I started Juicing 3 year ago and went from 268lbs down to a very fit 198lbs. I’ve been trying to convince my parents to start Juicing but you know the old fashion generation. Don’t want to spend the money on a good juicer. I’m fortunate to be living close by them so I periodically make enough juice so that can share it with them. They really do like how they feel when they’re juicing. So I will look forward to your next video and love the knowledge that your providing.
    Thanks Again!
    Joe Clem

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