Waitrose Recipe Golden kiwi & coconut upside down cakes

Golden kiwi & coconut upside-down cakes

An unusual but delightful pudding or enjoy in the afternoon with a cup of tea. A slice of sweet golden kiwi over the top of these cakes makes a gorgeous addition, and combined with coconut and lime flavours they’re sure to transport you somewhere tropical!

Preparation time: 25 minutes, plus cooling
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes, plus cooling
Makes: 12

75g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing
115g light brown muscovado sugar, plus 3 tbsp for sprinkling
3 Waitrose 1 Perfectly Ripe Golden Kiwis
160ml can coconut cream
1 lime, zest, plus extra to serve (optional)
2 large British Blacktail Free Range Eggs
50g desiccated coconut
175g self-raising flour

1. Preheat the oven to 170˚C, gas mark 3. Liberally grease a 12-hole muffin tin and sprinkle the extra 3 tbsp sugar between the holes. Trim the ends off the kiwi fruit, then remove the skin with a vegetable peeler. Cut each fruit into 4 slices widthways and sit a slice inside each muffin hole.

2. In a mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugar using electric beaters until light, about 3-4 minutes. Beat in the coconut cream and lime zest, then beat in the eggs, one at a time. Beat in the desiccated coconut and flour to make a smooth batter.

3. Divide the batter between the muffin holes and bake for 20 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes, then run a knife around the sides of the cakes to loosen and turn out onto a chopping board. Carefully ease out any pieces of kiwi that have stuck to the tin and place them back on top of the cakes. Scatter with extra lime zest, if liked. Lovely served warm with a dollop of coconut yogurt or ice cream, if liked, or cooled to room temperature and served with tea.

Cook’s tip

For an adult version, serve warm with a tablespoon of warmed spiced rum drizzled over each cake.

This recipe appeared within the June 2019 recipe card collection.
Recipe cards are free to pick up every month in Waitrose & Partners stores

Music: Piano Moment

Video: GoPro

A big thank you to Waitrose & Partners Red Houses Jersey for giving me all the ingredients for this lovely recipe!!

One Comment

  1. Ana Freitas says:

    Amazing! It looks delicious 😊

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