
मैंगो मिल्क शेक – Mango Milkshake recipe in hindi – How to make mango milkshake

मैंगो स्मूथी-मैंगो शेक. Mango Milkshake recipe in hindi. Let’s learn How to make Mango milkshake at home in 2 mins. Mango Milkshake is a cool and refreshing fruit drink for summers.
Mango shake is a very popular and healthy drink.This milkshake recipe of mango is very delicious, healthy and can be made at home easily in 2 mins.
Below is the mango shake recipe.Mango shake banane ka tarika..

Ingredients :-
* 1 slice of Mango. * 1 glass of milk. * 2 tbsp of sugar
* Ice cubes. * Dry fruits for garnishing

Method –
* Peel one slice of mango and cut it into small pieces.
* Add mango, sugar and small amount of milk. Blend them in a mixer for few seconds.
* Check whether mango mashed properly, make sure there are no lumps.
* Add milk, ice cubes and blend them again in a mixer for few seconds.
* Summer Special Mango Milkshake is ready. Serve chill and enjoy.

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So friends today we covered How to make Mango milkshake in hindi.

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