
3 Ingredient Nutella Pastry Recipes

It’s time to get foodie with 3 Ingredient Nutella Pastry Recipes! With only 3 ingredients of course they are sooo easy to make. I love trying out new things to bake every week because there are so many different recipes that there may be one that you like more than the other!

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  1. Bumat 04 says:

    Delicious!! Nice job Coral 👌🏻

  2. Karen Militello says:

    Looks yummy!!

  3. Karen Kingrey says:

    I always love your recipe ideas!!! Can’t wait to try these! Thanks 😊

  4. Luke L says:

    Love this video, thanks for the recipes! My favourite way to use Nutella is to make a Rotolo, which is quite similar to the first recipe. 🙂

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