
3 Life-Changing Lessons + Raw Vegan GREEN JUICE Healing Recipe

3 Life Lessons YOU MUST Know + Raw Vegan GREEN JUICE Healing Recipe. Subscribe: | Follow my FB: | Follow My Instagram:

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Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram lives to inspire a FullyRaw, or 100% raw vegan healthy vegan lifestyle at www.fullyraw.com. A raw vegan lifestyle incorporates fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. KristinaFullyRaw posts new videos every week that include recipes, tips, tricks, vlogs, motivational, fitness, exercise, and inspiration on how to be the best version of yourself.


  1. domeka harrison says:

    love this video very much so appreciated.

  2. Fun Dream says:

    Man, women u did so much for me I feel like I have a choice on how I feel and that I can forgive now even wen someone is currently bad to me! U rock it girl! U know today is my grandmas birthday, happy Birthday grandma, ankneeway I love u girl keep up awesome soul work!

  3. truthseeker0219 says:

    You know, as beautiful as she is. I know she is a busy woman and she has got to be worn slap out from trying to keep her business going.
    What intrigues me so much about her was at first man look at this hottie. But all of that faded away to the back. I wish I could hang out with her on a daily. She has a big heart and a beautiful soul. The beauty is just sustained and multiplied by who she is, what she does and has to put up with.
    I needed to so hear this. I’ve been struggling with all of this. It is a lot easier to love than to let go and hold in/ let out hate.
    Beautiful message sister, thank you.

  4. La Reina says:

    Can someone let me know the recipe for this smoothie she made? Looks delicious

  5. Katherine Zwijacz says:

    Hey there!

    I’m Katherine, I’d like to share my raw vegan recipes, health advice, personal stories, and more with you!

    Learn about my health journey and my top tips for success 😊

    Feel free to direct message on my instagram @raw_enlightenment, email me at katherinezwijacz@gmail.com, go to my Snapchat @r_enlightenment, comment under my posts and follow me for more ❤️

    Spread the love and spread the health to everyone you possibly can 🌺

    Insta: raw_enlightenment
    Snap: r_enlightenment
    Email: katherinezwijacz@gmail.com

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