
Almond Twist recipe

In this video we’ll show you how to make Almond Twists.

Here is our Almond Twist recipe:
Puff pastry 1 sheet
Amoretti Almond Paste #1 ½ C
Sugar 3 T + more for sprinkling

Pull puff pastry from the freezer and lay on a sheet of parchment paper to defrost.
Once completely defrosted, sprinkle with sugar and roll to a 12” square.
Pulse the Amoretti Almond Paste and 3T sugar to form a fine crumb.
Sprinkle the Almond Paste and sugar over half of the dough.
Fold the other half of dough over onto the Almond Paste.
Sprinkle with sugar and roll out to a 10 x 12 rectangle.
Fold in half again, sprinkle with sugar and roll to a 10 x 12 rectangle.
Cut in half to make 2 rectangles. Cut strips 1” wide.
Twist them into corkscrews and place on parchment lined sheet pan about 2” apart. Sprinkle with sugar and bake in a 375 degree oven for 18-22 minutes.

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The song is “Make me feel” by Corey Gagne (Not The King) on SoundCloud:

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