BEST Green Juice Recipe to Fight Holiday Sickness! This green juice will help you with energy, clear skin, digestion, and more! It’s sweet and delicious! I hope you enjoy!
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Thumbnail photo by my soul sister
Special thanks to my friend Tim Halperin from American Idol for sharing his music with us! Check out this song iTunes: …
Spotify: …
Check out more of his songs and you can check them out at
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Sometimes the green juice I make is a little bitter. I like to add an apple
or two to make it a touch sweeter!
I love love love your jewelry, I heard you make it? Is there a place I
could get similar pieces? Love you so much! Keep being awesome <3
tt quiet
tt hush
TT QUIET PLEASE u little peep squeek!
i want to lick your asshole after chipotle
add ginger!