
cake recipe

cake recipe
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Cake pastry recipe
1 cup of sugar,
  3 eggs,1 /(teaspoon) soda
2 /( spoon )of honey; 200g margarine .. 4 -5 glass . flour.

put on water
bath for 3-5 minutes, until the sugar is dissolved
When will light foam-like substance
removed from the bath.
turn the dough soft and
will stick to hands, do not panic!

Put in the fridge for 30
minutes, after which it will
be very pleasant to use.

Bake at the same time.
220 ° C 6.3 minutes
to red color.
Cream Charlotte
For cream
1 can of condensed milk;
200 gr. – Butter; vanillin
butter softened
butter beat with
a mixer until white.
Small portions
oil pour condensed milk.
churn for 10-15 minutes.
until smooth.
if the cream “cut off” (is pockmarked)
it is necessary to heat it slightly and whip.
In the finished cream ,
you can add a variety of additives:
vanilla, brandy, cocoa.
now it is necessary
to assemble the cake.
at room Cake
temperature, leave for 1 hour.
We must know that butter cream
cake obtained with crispy
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