Creamy Cassava Cake Recipe

Cassava cake is one of the classic favorites that is always present in Filipino cuisine. It’s very easy to make. The challenging part is the shredding of cassava itself; it takes a lot of time if you want to make the fresh one. But thanks to the frozen section in the supermarket, where they have it available.
This recipe is moist with a twist flavor of leche flan, then the toppings itself is a winner with some cheddar cheese.
Cassava cake in its basic form is made of grated cassava, coconut milk, and sugar which are combined into a batter, and then baked in the oven until set. The cooked cake is usually crowned with a choice of topping, ranging from a simple sprinkling of shredded cheese to a more elaborate custard made with eggs, condensed milk, and evaporated or coconut milk, and then baked a second time until golden.

As with most dishes, the recipe may vary depending on the cook and may include other additions to the batter mixture such as sweetened macapuno strips, young coconut meat, coconut, nata de coco or cheese.

2 lbs grated cassava
1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk (Reserve 1/3 cup for Topping)
1 (14 ounce) can coconut milk (Reserve 1/3 cup for Topping)
1 (13 ounce) can coconut cream (Reserve 1/3 cup for Topping)
1 (12 ounce) can evaporated milk
2⁄3 cup sugar
3 eggs, plus
3 egg whites
1 cup grated coconut
1 cup grated cheddar cheese (Reserve 1/2 cup for Topping)

Preheat oven to 325° f.
First things first, set aside1/3 cups of the condensed milk, coconut milk, coconut cream. This is for the toppings later.
In large mixing bowl whisk the 3 whole eggs plus the 3 egg whites with the sugar, combine thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolve ( you can use a mixer for this)
Add the coconut cream, coconut milk, condensed milk, evaporated milk ( guys you can substitute the evaporated milk with whole milk if you don’t have available in your pantry since we’re using cassava here the consistency of our cake is stable enough.)
**Trivia: Do you know that that transforming regular milk into evaporated milk by heating it creates a thicker and creamier product, as well as mild caramel flavor. Evaporated milk’s consistency makes it a popular substitute for half-and-half or heavy cream. However, unlike these two products, evaporated milk is naturally low in fat. In many ways, evaporated milk is the best of both worlds— it retains the luscious, decadent consistency found in cream without the high fat content.

Add the the grated cassava.
Add the ½ cup gated cheddar cheese. Mix well.
Pour equally into two large greased pans. I used two 9-inch circular pan.
Bake until top is no longer liquid (approximately 45 minutes).

While waiting for the cake to cook, mix the topping ingredients:
Mix the condensed milk, coconut milk, coconut cream ad 3 egg yolks. Combine thoroughly
Pour evenly on the two pans.
Sprinkle the remaining half a cup cheese to both pans.
Bake for another 30-40 minutes or until golden brown.
Let it cool. Slice. Enjoy!


  1. American filipina couple Living in Philippines says:

    Kalami sa cassava cake, my favorite!Thanks for sharing sis.

  2. Simply Nataly Kitchen says:

    yummy cake…

  3. Salvatore Vinciguerra says:

    This is a beautiful cake. Thanks for showing us how to make it. I bet it tastes delicious!

  4. Παναγιώτης Χαρλαβάνης says:

    W O N D E R F U L !!!

  5. Arnelyn Nerwinski says:

    Namiss ko na ang cassava cake. Tagal ko na di nakakain nyan. Pahingi….

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