
Dehydrated Food Taste Challenge – Just Add Water

The guys get some dehydrated food for a taste challenge and see what tastes good and what doesn’t.

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Just Add Water – Dehydrated Food


  1. 2 joints says:

    cool idea Harley…hypest just add water game on the net bro

  2. Matt McRedbeard says:

    Fellas, you gotta check out Steve1989MREInfo if you havent already, its like ASMR for this kind if stuff.

  3. DesolateZombie says:

    You guys should do an Epic Meal Time burger using REAL US Military MREs.

  4. Jack Carver says:

    This video came at a good time cause I’ve recently been looking into freeze dried foods for my preps but I’m leaning more towards canned food.

    On another note, I used to watch your guy’s videos back in the day and recently started watching again. Glad to see you guys stuck to what you said and are still churning out content on a regular basis. Keep up the good work!

  5. Hunter P Brown says:

    I eat the mountain trail on the road. It helps when you’re a trucker.

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