
Easy Caramel Cake Recipe (HOW TO MAKE A HOMEMADE CARAMEL CAKE) Kiwanna’s Kitchen

Easy Caramel Cake Recipe (HOW TO MAKE A HOMEMADE CARAMEL CAKE) Kiwanna’s Kitchen..
To All of my Caramel Cake Lovers out there, here is a Treat for uuuuu…
I am Sharing how I make MY Version of a Homemade Caramel Cake..
This Recipe is so Easy & Simple to Make… Some may not think it is Simple, because it takes so long to make (Meaning the Caramel takes 3hrs to Boil, & 2 to Cool).. But the Cake itself, is very Simple to make!
I used my Yellow Cake Recipe for this Caramel Cake, & I will post the Link to that Video below…
As for the Caramel, I used (2) Cans of Eagles Sweetened Condensed milk, & I boiled it for (3hrs.).. & I let it Cool for (2)..
The Caramel is so Creamy & Smooth, & Oh so good Guys!
Then I gave it a Good stir inside the Can, then Spread the YUMMY Caramel all over & In between the Layers of my Cake…
I used (3) 9″ Cake Pans for my Cake..,& then evenly Distributed the Cake Batter into my Cake pan..
I hope y’all enjoy my Video, & Give my Sweet Caramel Cake a Try.. I know y’all will enjoy it, as much as we did…
Don’t forget to Subscribe & Share..
Thank you for watching..


You can find the Cake Recipe here::

You can reach me here::


  1. AndreaDenean says:

    I made this same cake and you are right! It’s delicious!

  2. Just_Anne says:

    Looks soo yummy

  3. No Hippie BBQ & Cooking says:

    I would be killing that

  4. Classy Cassy Kells says:

    I will be trying this recipe

  5. Sacilya Chambliss says:

    They look like giant pancakes.

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