

We received a food package from HelloFresh & make some awesome easy recipes plus my own recipe twist! Ad by HelloFresh.
► To receive £25 off your first HelloFresh box use VIRGINKITCHEN

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My Virgin Kitchen is a YouTube cooking channel created when I wanted to teach myself how to cook and create a video diary of the journey . I have never had a professional lesson & am just your every day chap attempting recipes to inspire you guys to try too. I upload 2 recipe videos per week, but some fun is had too on Sunday when it is Funday where anything goes….including giant foods, mini foods, taste testing foods sent from around the World, kitchen gadget testing and many more. Any requests for recipes / cool stuff you’ve seen let me know! I try my best to reply to as many comments as possible, but it is hard to as I am busy working on the next video, but please interact with eachother and be respectful 🙂


  1. amvive08 says:

    hello Barry! can you post the link to the veggie chopper you used in the video?

  2. the blindbox says:

    is there an option for large print recapie cards.

  3. John Revell says:

    Such a Milf

  4. Kelsie says:

    “little bit of mayonnaise on there” *squirts whole tube on*

  5. Agnessausorus says:

    While I don’t particularly like these kinds of video, I really like that you’re very outright with them being ads, and I really respect you for making it clear to us 🙂

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