Easy FullyRaw Juice & Smoothie Recipes! – Best New

Easy FullyRaw Juice & Smoothie Recipes! DAY 4 of the 14-Day Bikini Body Challenge! Have fun with me as I show you to make my new favorite raw food vegan smoothie recipes! Today’s meal plan and exercise routine for you here:

Forks Over Knives DVD Giveaway Link to my FullyRaw Kristina Facebook Page:

Today’s Video:

Today’s meal plan and exercise routine are shared for you at . You must sign in to be able to see the page content. The meal plans and exercise routines will be posted at midnight central the evening prior to give everyone the opportunity to prepare the night ahead. The videos will be posted the next day around noon-3 PM. To be qualified for the FREE e-book in the end of the challenge, please be sure to …

1) SIGN UP by submitting your email.
2) COMMENT! Introduce yourself and share!
3) LIKE to show support!


The translations will be shared later on and available in the ebook when it comes out! I hope that you are as excited for this challenge as I am! Thank you all for sharing this experience with me!

Blessings and hugs!


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