
Fried Chicken Tater Tot Pizza – Handle It

This week Ameer teaches you how to make a Fried Chicken Tater Tot Pizza
Check out our new Jerky available in Walmart across the USA!

1 Bag of tater tots
1 Pack of bacon
5 to 10 chicken filets
2 Cups of flour
2 Cups of breadcrumbs
4 Eggs
Vegetable oil for shallow fry
4 Cups of shredded mixed cheddar cheese
1 Can of gravy

1 Oven tray
1 Pizza tray
2 Frying pan
1 Wooden spoon
1 Chef knife
1 Cutting board
2 Mixing bowls
Parchment paper

Step 1
Bake tater tots in the oven at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes.

Step 2
Cook bacon bits in a frying pan on medium heat for 15 minutes.

Step 3
Cut chicken into small pieces. Cover chicken in flour then dip in eggwash and coat in bread crumbs. Add enough oil to cover the base of a frying pan then cook chicken on medium for 5 to 10 minutes.

Step 4
Mix tatter tots, 1 egg and 1/2 a cup of cheese in a mixing bowl. Line a pizza tray with parchment paper then add tater tots and compress firmly forming a crust and bake in the oven at 425 degrees for 20 minutes.

Step 5
Once the crust is baked add gravy, bacon bits, cheese and chicken then put back In the oven for 10 minutes to melt the cheese.

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Fried Chicken Tater Tot Pizza – Handle It


  1. Shane Schoeman says:

    Where Harley tho ……

  2. ne kilmer says:

    i always upvote prince atari. he’s my hero.

  3. thomas mcdonald says:

    Pizza is great when your high lol illa YouTube video guys

  4. monawoka97 says:

    No wet hand dry hand? You absolute mad lad

  5. Luke Ellis says:

    Can you do how to cook beacon bits like a boss?

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