
From The Garden To The Kitchen – Simple Almond Rhubarb Coffee Cake Recipe – Simply Garden

It is time to take the garden into the kitchen with some fresh rhubarb and turn it into a tasty and simply wonderful rhubarb coffee cake. Harvesting rhubarb and making a dessert with your daughter makes for some warm and yummy memories. Check out this simple recipe that is sure to be a crowd pleaser.


  1. ArtyCraftNATURE says:

    the cake looks good! I had rhubarb in my garden, after three years, they rotted…maybe I planted them in the wrong place…

  2. Sapper Gardener says:

    Great presentation and wonderful looking cake!

    • Simply Garden says:

      Thank you for viewing. That was a lot of fun. We hope to do more like that in the near future. Maybe either something with rasberries or blueberries once they start to rippen.

  3. Barbara Croley says:

    Oh yum!! Have to have that recipe for my file!!

    • Barbara Croley says:

      Can’t find the recipe but want it.

    • Simply Garden says:

      It tasted awesome too. I think it is listed below in the source area of the channel. Opps I guess I need to double check myself to make sure it’s really there. 🤠


    Sounds delicious. Reminds me of the catch and cook fishing videos I watch!

  5. Crucial Farms Urban and Fresh says:

    Looks so good.

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