Funny Comments About Plant-based Healthy Vegan Food (Melodramatic hater trolls)

Melodramatic Comments About Plant-Based Healthy Food. It’s been a great year since I started the site nest and glow and concentrated on making healthy, vegan dairy free, sugar-free, gluten free food. All using loads of fruit, veg, nuts and seeds so loaded with vitamins and minerals.

98% of the comments have been very positive, but the odd time I get a Melodramatic hater troll about our healthy recipes and vegan food so I’ve compiled them here.

Looking forward to making more recipes videos in the future, and getting your feedback. Even the odd negative comment makes me smile once in a while.

All our recipes listed here are sweetened with just fruit or a natural sweetener such as maple. Every recipe is easy and quick to make. Many are suitable for a raw food vegan diet.

All recipes @

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