
Gingerbread Whey Protein Shake Recipe | Vlogmas Day 10 | Gauge Girl Training

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Check out this amazing Gingerbread Whey Protein Shake Recipe!!

– 8oz. Unsweetened Almond Milk
– 1 scoop MGN Pure Whey Protein Isolate Cake Batter
– 1/4 tsp. Ground Ginger
– 1 tbsp Ground Cinnamon
– 1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
– 2 tbsp. Maple Extract

Calories: 165 kCal
Fat: 3g
Carbohydrates: 8g
Protein: 26g


  1. Bonniie L says:

    Hi, I would love to win. I’m new to your channel and have changed my meal
    plan with your help. I weigh 270 at 56 and this would be a great help with
    my weight loss journey.

  2. Andrea Baker says:

    I would sooooo love to win this giveaway because I’m discovering that
    protein was the missing link in the puzzle for me!! Since adding it to my
    diet I have been able to see some progress in my program. I am currently
    using another brand but I am in love with Christine’s channel and am very
    curious about this formulation and would LOVE to try it before jumping into
    another tub. It can be quite pricey and with Christmas taking so much of my
    extra income so this would be perfect!!!!

  3. Marie Fraire says:

    I’d love to win so I can make all kind of yummy healthy shakes with it. I
    crave sweets at night and winning the tub of protein powder will help me
    stay on track 😉.

  4. Jessica Walker says:

    I need to win so I can tell everyone that I saw this on gauge girl

  5. Ashley Miller says:

    I need to win because I am almost out of my MGN protein :-O !!!!!!! Can’t
    wait to try the gingerbread shake!

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