
hazelnut sponge cake recipe

Ingredients / Ingredientes

80 gr. Hazelnut compound Pasta pura de avellana
120 gr. Egg white Clara de huevo
80 gr. Egg yolk Yema de huevo
80 gr. Sugar Azúcar
25 gr. Flour Harina
½ litro / liter Siphon gun (canister ) Sifón
As needed/ c.s.
Plastic glasses
Vasos de plástico

Mix all ingredients with a hand mixer
Put in the siphon gun and let in the fridge
Charge the siphon with 2 gas caps
Make a hole with a knife on the bottom of the glass
Fill the plastic glasses until ¾
Bake in the microwave at maximum power for 35 / 40 seconds

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