Find me on Instagram @ bee_rising Hey beeNation here I share a fully raw vegan food haul & I will be going 100% raw vegan to RawGenerate and heal cancer cells (really the whole human body) Starting Today!
You’re welcome to join me on this ride #rawgenerate
I appreciate and enjoy watching YouTubers like yourself who keep me inspired to stay on track. I’ve been vegan almost 18 months, highly raw now leaning more towards raw fruit after stumbling across Dr. Morse about 2 1/2 months ago. Like you I suffer(ed) from ovarian cysts, but also suffered from endometriosis and painful menses. It was not until I started doing juice feasting after following John Rose, then Dr. Morse with the high raw fruit and vegetables did my mid cycle cramps disappear. My regular menstrual cramps have also disappeared. I’m just still working on heavy bleeding, and ovarian cysts, which I had one burst during my last cycle, and caused me a lot of pain and discomfort. However, I realize these things take time to heal seeing I’ve likely been toxic for 44 1/2 years before going vegan. So, I’m willing to continue climbing that mountain. Thanks again for always sharing your knowledge and experience.
I did the 30 day juice feast too. Nothing ever happened to me, I didnt notice anything except I no longer had any urges for junk food since then. I did notice how powerful eating food is even raw has on our minds. After 30 days I got very angry at everything I had to stop and eat again. It was an ok experience but dr morses 14 week protocol i found better and more fun.
Thanks so much for sharing your story!! AND I am SOO Happy that you found Dr. Morse! Best wishes on your journey Xo
I went vegan 2 yrs ago and kicked all my prescription drugs for high blood pressure, proton pump inhibitors. I was also with high cholesterol and high blood sugar. For 25 years i followed my doctors recommendation thinking I was a good patient. Nothing really improved, then it hit me one day, I had an enlarged prostate in which i couldn’t even hold it on the ride home from work. I had to get up 3 times everynight during my sleep. The doctor gave me the flowmax medicine and i almost passed out. I could not take the medicine. I had to find a natural path and changed me diet, no more meat, dairy and processed foods. That worked pretty good but a few years later I discovered Dr Robert Morse and I started eating just fruits, berrries and melons with a salad at night and that along with his herbs I got my kidneys filtering about 5 months ago. The kidney filtering has totally resolved my enlarged prostate. I m like a kid again, does not even cross my mind. Those acids rip you apart. So yes, this is real and it works. Everybody can do it. The only downside is I can’t stand the winters with no sunshine. I have to move one day to the south.
Same thing happened to me pertaining to seasons. I use to love winter and hated the hot summers, now it’s the total opposite. Glad to hear your story!
Get those kidney’s filtering, it took me 4 months of fruit and Dr Morses herbs. I didnt believe it until I saw it for myself. The pee in a jar test everyday keeps me motivated to stay as raw as much as I can. Northeast New England USA is hard to get ripe fruit in winter but there is always something.
Amazing video
Thank you so much for spreading truth and light!