EXPAND THE BOX – – – how to make a heart shaped cake using only square and round cake tins, and how to coat it in buttercream. This is part 1 of a delicious chocolate valentine’s heart cake, the next parts are coming soon!
All the recipe links you’ll need are below. If you liked this video please give it a thumbs up and why not share it with a friend?
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More information:
easy chocolate buttercream recipe:
chocolate sponge cake recipe:
Thank you to Michael Lim for sharing his chocolate sponge cake recipe!
Equipment list (affiliate links):
Cake Scraper:
Professional dropper colours:
Gel colours:
Edible gold lustre:
Stand Mixer:
for more recommended tools & products see my full list
Original Buttercream recipe – my super easy, ultra stable, ice-creamy egg free swiss buttercream – SEBC
if you’re new here, it’s all I use
Simple vanilla buttercream recipe – easier version for hobby bakers or beginners:
perfect buttercream rose tutorial:
How to smooth ice a buttercream cake:
DIY leaf piping tip:
for even more check out my channel!
My channel
this video was not sponsored. If you purchase using my affiliate links, I get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting my channel!
Music: Solo Acoustic guitar by Jason Shaw courtesy of the Audio Library. www.audionautix.com
I’m watching this video as I just got off the treadmill and now I want
chocolate cake!
+Erin Gamma uh oh! Well on the other hand surely after your workout you’ve

earned it?
Great to see clean trimmed nails when working with food
I feel the same way! I love my nails but I trim them down and don’t paint
them when I make food, especially for other people!
I understand!
Lol. I know it was a side note but I just cringe when I see long painted
+Shining Star haha thank you