How to Make Brownie Bites – Easy Raw Vegan Recipe – with Calories and Macros

Hey Guys! Today is Day 4 of my week of eating Raw Vegan and I thought I would share with you one of my favorite easy raw vegan recipes – Raw Vegan Brownie Bites. And of course I’m including the calories and macros for you guys 🙂

If you are new to my channel, I make videos for you every day Monday through Friday and on the weekends when I can to document my journey to get fit this year (by the time I turn 40!!) following IIFYM as a Vegan! So stay tuned to the end for a recap of my total macros for the day. Showing you this helps me stay on track and hopefully is inspiring to some of you!

Thanks for watching! See you tomorrow 🙂

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One Comment

  1. Doro says:

    That was a great recipe video, Elyssa. I’ve been yearning for something sweet after supper, and that might just be the answer. I’ll give them a try. Thank you.

    In my search for more info on raw veganism, I came across Jack Albritton’s channel and through him, Tannyraw. They’ve been powerful in their advocacy for raw veganism, so I had a fruit shake for breakfast, went to the gym (without any ill effects) and came home and made a green smoothie. I lasted well until supper time, but by then I felt the need for something a little more, so I used up leftovers from a meal a couple of days ago – half a baked potato, fried onions, and to that I added 2 cups of steamed broccoli. At the end of it all, I felt fantastic, other than wanting something sweet. So I think I’ll take another shot at this tomorrow. Thanks for putting me on to it. You know, of course, that you’re still my number one channel, right? ; )

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