How To Make Perfect Puff Pastry Dough By Hand

We aren’t just doing some easy rough puff pastry here, this is a proper laminated puff pastry dough recipe. I’m a big fan of doing things the right way, with no short cuts and It’s surprisingly easy once you actually do it. It’s very minimal active effort and requires only a little bit of waiting here and there. The buttery results are well worth it all.



Ingredients you’ll need:
2.5 cups (320g) all purpose flour
3/4 cup (177g) cold water
1 teaspoon (7g) fine sea salt
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons (227g) unsalted cold butter

Example Folding Schedule:
10:00am – Make dough and butter block and refrigerate
10:35am – Encase butter into dough roll and letter fold, turn 90 degrees and repeat roll and letter fold. Fridge for 30 minutes (2 folds done)
11:15 am – Repeat two more folds, letting the dough rest in the fridge if necessary (now at 4 folds). Once folds are complete rest in fridge 30 more minutes.
11:55 am – Perform 2 more folds totaling at 6 (you will likely need to rest the dough in the fridge after the 5th fold if it won’t roll out).
12:30 am – Once all 6 folds are done, wrap your dough and rest in fridge for 1-3 days then use in whatever recipe you’re making. (maybe beef wellington *wink* *wink*.


  1. Reuben Ninan says:

    Here is something that will help you in your endeavor to ditch plastic my guy!

  2. Canadian Carnage says:

    Bunch o tarts

  3. Michelle Thelwell says:

    THANKYOU! My last recipe guide was so complicated to follow I never wanted to make it again. but your guide makes me want to try again! I never thought to do that with the butter. it makes so much more sense and so much easier. Again thankyou so much for this guide I really appreciate it. Keep up the great work 😀

  4. Lee Michaels says:

    Oh man I like that wax paper trick that is sweet.I think that I’m going to take a flour sack towels and I’m going to measure these things out. Then I’m going to embroider them with some pretty border so I know exactly where the folding is going on!

  5. LostInGrace says:

    I love you too josh. I love you too. Lol

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