
How to Soak Fruits for Black Cake- Episode 39

Here is the way that I soak fruits for black cake. This is very versatile in the ingredients that it calls for, as you can play around with the recipe. For example, instead of using all raisins, you can use half raisins and half currants. You can also use whatever type of red wine you like, and you may choose to omit the dark rum. Play around with the ingredients and come up with a mix that is special to you. This is the way I do it and the way that I was taught.

You can let these fruits soak for a week, or up to a year. If you only have time to soak them for a short amount of time that is okay, the cake will come out just fine.

When storing the fruits, as long as they are in a glass container with a tight fitting lid then they can be stored anywhere at room temperature. Do not put the fruits in the fridge while they are soaking.

Ingredients and Measurements:
2 lb. raisins (you can use 1 lb. currants and 1lb. raisins instead)
1 lb. dried prunes
1/2 lb. Maraschino Cherries
750 mL bottle of Red Wine of your choice
1/4 cup of dark rum of your choice (optional)


  1. Faith Faith says:

    I have some fruits soak for over three years now

    • Faith Faith says:

      I always have my fruit soaked for years and I also added the liquor chocolate, citrus fruits and different blends of alcohol.

    • Matthew's Guyanese Cooking says:

      Oh wow. I have never soaked them for that long, but I am sure the cakes will taste great.

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