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Disclaimer: Mojo’s food is balanced over time. I order exactly what I need for a balanced diet over 5 weeks. I thaw everything and divide it over 35 containers. If you want to know more about meal prepping and how we go about it, you can read this blog post:

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  1. Captain Ron says:

    Nicely done and well-explained. We’ve been feeding PMR to our three mongrels for 8 years. Our system for purchasing, storing, tracking, assembling and feeding has evolved over the years.. Its informative and interesting to see alternative approaches both in ingredients used as well as assembling meals.

    Briefly, we assemble meals on a weekly basis from an “inventory” of retail-purchased meat and organ products that are on sale and/or date-expired. Much like you we assemble a full weeks’ of ingredients (80%-10%-10%) then apportion them in baggies for each day of the week.

    One thing that we found helpful (especially at the start of feeding PMR) was to keep a log of our dogs’ weights. At the start, this was valuable in determining the appropriate amounts for feeding. The log has proven useful over the years, especially when one of our dogs developed some sort of anemia and lost a lot of weight (he’s healthy now). He never really lost his appetite through this period so we were able to dramatically increase his food intake then reduce it to normal when he returned to health.

    Another thing we did was to start using metric for calculating amounts. For others who are thinking of converting to PMR and using imperial measures, I would highly recommend learning the metric system.

    Finally, we use several spreadsheets (Google sheets, in our case) especially for managing our inventory. This helps us know when we are low on a particular ingredient (meat, bone, organ, liver). As well the spreadsheets help ensure that we are using the oldest ingredients first.

    Thanks for posting. Cheers.

  2. Supreme Diamond says:

    I love prep day! Keep up the good work! 🙂

  3. Skunky Husky says:

    How beautiful. Come and see mine doggy pancake 🥞 🐶

  4. Perry Leeds says:

    I admire your dedication to healthy diet for your dog but I would throw up if I had to handle some of that meat. I stick with hamburger, ground turkey, chicken livers, lots of chicken and chicken broth, plus purée veggies and supplements. Thank you !!!!!

  5. Bee Smith says:

    Great presentation.

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