My healthy oats and apricot shake for breakfast. Delicious and highly nutritious this Shake if my all time favourite in breakfast. It’s packed with goodness of oats and apricots, the Almonds and pumpkin seeds provides you with a dosage of healthy fat. So let’s get on with the recipe of my healthy oatmeal Apricot shake for weight Loss.
Ingredients :-
5-6 dried apricots (soaked in water for 30 minutes)
3 tbsp roasted quick oats
250ml coconut milk
5-6 dates
8 Raw Almonds
1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
1 tbsp flaxseed powder
1 tbsp homemade protein powder
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp Chia seeds
How to make Oats Apricot share:-
In a blender add soaked dried apricots/khubani, Dates, Almonds & pumpkin seeds blend the mixture to a paste
Now add the rest of the ingredients into the blender with the paste & blend again until smooth.
Your healthy oats & Apricot shake is ready to serve.
HomeMade Protein Powder Recipe:-
Coconut milk recipe:-
Chia Seeds :-
Flax seeds :-
hi..i want to knw that; is MANGO not good for weight loss??
FoodFitness&Fun it will be quite difficult as its my
fav fruit ! but i will try my best …n thaaanx alot!
You can have mango in moderation…don’t eat it with meal as it will make your meal calories dense…have it as separate meal like snack don’t have it as a dessert after meal….try to limit it to 4 slices at a time ….don’t have an entire large size mango in one go
Mam pllzz intermittent fasting pr video banaye detail me mujhe ye diet start krni h …jald se jald
FoodFitness&Fun thanks for quick reply

I’m waiting…..
It’s our next video….will upload it in a day or two …we will be uploading 3-4 videos on intermittent fasting …what is it ? It’s benefits…how to do it ? Etc thanks for your patience….stay tuned it’s coming your way
Mam don’t u think dates quantity is too much . Are we allowed to have so many dates at a time
Good job maam i love you
You’re welcome and thanks for your love and appreciation
Tq for this information God bless you really good job Plzzzzzz show summer detox water
It’s coming soon I have shot the videos will upload this or next for sure …thanks for your request…keep sending us your feedback so that we will know what we should share and make videos on…