Pasta Garofalo and Niko Romito Recipes: Choux pastry dough

Four important basic recipes for making pastry: choux pastry dough, sponge cake, shortcrust pastry and doughnut pastry. So let’s get started your favorite!

Chop the butter and let it melt in a small pot with water. As soon as it starts boiling and the butter has melted completely, add salt and flour. Stir with a spoon for few minutes. Turn off the burner, let everything melt well and add one egg at a time, stirring very quickly. Put in a pastry bag with a plain tip. Cover a baking tray with kitchen paper and form small cream puffs with the pastry bag, being careful to slightly press the top with your wet finger. Bake at 200° for 15 minutes. Take them out and let them cool down.

Ingredients for four people:
60 g water
30 g butter
40 g soft wheat flour
2,5 g salt
1 egg
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