Raw food diet and healthy lifestyle! Vegan 2017 VEGAN 2018 – The Film
Raw Food Diet Documentary (english subtitles)
Raw Food Diet Documentary (spanish subtitles)
Raw Food Diet Documentary (italian subtitles)
Raw Food Diet Documentary (swedish subtitles)
Raw Food Diet Documentary (german subtitles)
La Dieta De Alimentos Crudos (subtitulos en español)
Documentario De Dieta Alimentare Cruda (sottotitoli in italiano)
Rå matdiet (svenska undertexter)
rohkost diät Dokumentarfilm (Deutsche Untertitel)
this is amazing ! this is my second day raw vegan , i’m excited and motivated about this good change in my life , very helpful documentary , thank you .
@Er Fati – Update?
MrHobj34 yes worring or stress can bring on unwanted things it’s all how when view it in are mind. When i drank I would always try to eat healthy drink lots of water take milk thyisle looked at it as balance or compromise. Fresh lemon juice in the morning took my cravings away I worked at not having a drink later and later in my day and eventually got to where I wouldn’t even have a drink for a day or two. I never told anyone I quit drinking didn’t want that put on me if I wanted or needed a drink now I’m in control go weeks without a drink and feel a lot better and am not a slave to it, it caught me totally offf guard when I tried to not drink or had to go places I couldn’t it was very scary the way my body felt it was have a seizure or drink and I still drank until I started drinking fresh lemon juice in the morning raw lemon juice no water that I began noticing I didnt get that seizure feeling. Cheers
Susanne Moore I’ve seen this to everything stays alive so I think it’s considered still ok to eat, it’s prob a debated subject but if one needs wants to consume sweet potatoes its there choice in the end. There’s no one right way it’s like gardening whatever however you want to do things in your garden is all up to you. Cheers
Er Fati if u add bacon to it everything will be better
Er Fati
cool facts
Excellant Info!![👌](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/12.0.0-1/svg/1f44c.svg)
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Ayurved of bharat (India) says jesa khaao Ann wesa hoye man means you are what you eat and also if your food is right there is no need of medicine and if your food is not right medicine is of no use