Raw Vegan Lasagna Recipe Made Easy – Simple and Delicious way to have a fresh Lasagna

Raw Vegan Lasagna Recipe How to Made it simple and easy.

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To uncook a dish.

How… Any fresh raw ingredients to be kept under 42 degrees Celsius.

Why… ‘Cause it keeps the vitamins and enzymes intact and available for the body.

This Raw Lasagna is one of the 50+ recipes in my online cooking class, called IN THE RAW.

A cooking class originally created for a bloke I met years ago who had cancer.

He went through chemo and radiation.

Then somehow found me online and wanted to take me home so I could cook for him.

Simply, I declined.

This bloke was a truck driver.

A meat pie eating, beer drinking, fast food loving, overweight human; that was simply the nicest bloke you could meet.

A really kind-hearted man, with no wife or girlfriend, limited family, and friends.

He somehow, googling away online in the middle of the night – stressed as hell, found out that eating raw foods can and does detox the body fast.

He booked a session with me, that was the way forward…

And that way forward was a MASSIVE change. The guy couldn’t cook AT ALL!

Months passed and then everyone he spoke too would message me with a request to help. He was really trying to detox, lose the weight and clean out the temple.

The Uncooking Struggle Street was real for him when it came to balancing out flavours and textures.

The only real way I could truly make a REAL impact was to film the basics of these raw dishes.

So I did.

I knew that would help him detox, lose weight and heal FAST.

And so it did.

And this video recipe today is one of those dishes.


Bless all those humans that are going through a healing crisis, that what to lose the weight or simply want to detox without the stress, this is for you.

Much love to your journey,
Chef Cynthia xxx

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For the Tomato Sauce
1/2 cup Sun-Dried Tomatoes
2 Dates
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1/4 cup Dried Olives
A splash of Water
A Pinch of #JOY

For the Cheese Sauce
1 cup Soaked Cashews
1 Tbsp Savory Yeast
1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
A splash of Water
Salt, to taste
Black Pepper, to taste

For the Pesto
1 big bunch of Fresh Basil
1 Lemon, juiced
1/2 cup Pumpkin Seeds
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
A splash of Water
Salt, to taste
Black Pepper, to taste
1 tsp Honey (optional)

For the Dressing
2 Tbsp Maple Syrup
2 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar

For the Assembly
2 Zucchinis, sliced thinly lengthwise
2 large, juicy Tomatoes, sliced into rounds
1 bunch of Rocket
Salt, to taste
Black Pepper, to taste


To prepare the tomato sauce:
Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend till well combined and smooth. Set aside.

To prepare the cheese sauce:
Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend till well combined and smooth. Set aside.

To prepare the pesto:
Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend for just a couple of seconds to keep the texture. Set aside.

To prepare the dressing:
Add the ingredients to a jar, put the lid on and shake. Set aside.

To assemble:
Prepare two plates and arrange some fresh rocket on them.
Top with a spoonful of tomato sauce and place a zucchini slice over each of the rocket leaves.
Spread a bit of the pesto and cheese sauce over and top with the zucchini.
Keep layering until you get three layers.
Drizzle the dressing over the lasagna.
Take a deep breath and bless this dish and yourself.


Prep time: 20-25 minutes
Servings: 3
Freezer friendly: No
*NF – does not refer to the cheese sauce

Thanks for watching my video on How To Make Raw Lasagna:


  1. Jayyy Zeee says:

    I love this recipe! Thanks for sharing it. ♥ The only thing I might change is to lower the center of mass since its propensity to topple would made me anxious. I’m thinking of doubling the width by overlapping ingredients and/or cutting the vegetables more thinly. However, this runs the risk of negatively impacting the texture and over-portioning. I’m probably overthinking this. I’m an engineer, so please forgive me. 😉

  2. LaDoubleU says:

    Looks delicious, Chef. Excited to make it. Thanks.

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