
Resep Putu Ayu / Coconut and Pandan Steamed Cake [RECIPE TEST]

Resep yang dicoba kali ini adalah resep putu ayu, yaitu jajanan pasar yang dibuat dari kelapa, pandan, tepung terigu, gula dan telur. Cara membuatnya ternyata cukup mudah. Yang pasti, kocok telur, gula dan cake emulsifier sampai benar2 mengembang, supaya waktu dikukus, cakenya nggak bantat. Ini resepnya :

Untuk sekitar 26 buah

Bahan-bahan :
Adonan Kue :
2 butir Telur
125g Gula pasir
1sdt Cake emulsifer (Bisa SP, TBM, dll.. saya pakai SP)
150g Tepung serbaguna
100ml Santan kental (Saya pakai santan instan, langsung tanpa dicampur air)
100ml Air pandan (Bisa dilihat di video saya tentang cara membuat air pandan)
1/4sdt Garam
3 Tetes pewarna hijau muda (optional)

Topping :
200g Kelapa parut
1/2sdt Garam
1 lbr Daun Pandan


The recipe that I tried this time is ‘putu ayu’, the Indonesian traditional snacks made from coconut, pandan, flour, sugar and eggs. It was quite easy to make this cake. The important point is, beat the eggs, sugar and cake emulsifier until it really expands, so when it steamed, the cake will arise perfectly. Here’s the recipe:

To make about 26 pcs

Ingredients :
Cake batter :
2 Eggs
125g (2/3cups) Granulated sugar
1tsp Cake emulsifier
150g (1cup + 2 1/2tbsp) All purpose flour
100ml (7tbsp) Coconut cream (I used instant coconut cream, directly, without mixing it with water)
100ml Pandan water (7tbsp) (You can see on my previous video about how to make pandan water)
1/4tsp Salt
3 drops green food colouring (optional)

Topping :
200g Kelapa parut
1/2sdt Garam
1 lbr Daun Pandan


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