Rough Puff Pastry

A straightforward recipe to make a delicious, flaky rough puff pastry you can use for so many different recipes, sweet and savoury.

See my Rough Puff Christmas Trees video for a fun, festive recipe idea.

A huge thank you to Alice Flood, Chris Danter, Suzanna Rajnai and Hollie Traynor for all their hard work making the video.

Please SUBSCRIBE for more baking videos, thank you!


Puff Pastry
(Makes 750g pastry)


350g plain flour
1 tsp salt
250g unsalted butter, frozen
100ml cold water

1. Flour and salt in a bowl. Mix to combine.
2. Grate butter into flour.
3. Fold butter into flour so butter is coated.
4. Add water a tablespoon at a time (you probably won’t need all of it). Bring pastry together with hands until it forms a ball.
5. Tip onto surface and bring together. Shape into a rectangle and flatten. Wrap in cling film. Chill for 30 minutes.
6. On floured surface, roll out into rectangle ¼ inch thick with short edge closest to you. Fold bottom third onto middle third, then top third on top of that. Turn so that short edge is closest to you again. Repeat. Wrap in cling film. Chill for 30 minutes.
7. Repeat step 6 then pastry is ready to use.


  1. Peter Hague says:

    Grating butter?!
    What mad sorcery/genius is this!

  2. benscalligraphy * says:

    Thanks for these easy to follow videos! Wonder if this would work with gluten free all purpose flour? 😮

  3. Sean Lee Fields says:

    I’m loving your videos.

  4. Mariha M says:

    2 videos at 1 time yassss x ‘easy as pie’ hahaha

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