Russian cake ” NUN’S HOUSE ” !

Russian famous ” Nun’s House ” Cake !!!

Recipe :
12 oz Sour Cream
1 cup + 1 Tabsp Butter ( or you can use the same amount as butter 12 oz to get more like sugar cookies texture )
6 oz Sugar
1 tea sp. Salt
1 Tabsp Baking Powder
1 tea sp. Vanilla Extract
60 oz (5 jars) Maraschino Cherry
Cream :
2 cups Sour Cream
1 stick Butter (8 Tabsp)
1 can Sweetened Condensed Milk
If you want you can make cold butter with flour (crumbles) then mix with sour cream and all others ingredients and put dough in fridge for hour.
This cake is really yummy , you guys have to try it !!!
Bon Appetite !

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