
Savory and Sweet Puff Pastry

Hello, Hungry Gobblers!
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We hope you liked the recipe and the video and if that’s the case – give it a thumbs up and subscribe to see more from our channel.

To make it even easier for you, here’s the full recipe:

400g puff pastry (frozen) – make sure you defrost it before you start!
White flour to dust
1 egg to spread on top
150g white cheese
50g blueberry jam – you could use any other kind you like
50g Nutella

Baking time: 20-25 min
Bake in preheated oven on 180 C

Once your puff pastry is at room temperature (it is best if you keep it in the fridge overnight to defrost and take it out for an hour to come to room temperature), prepare your baking tray and lay in parchment paper.
Beat one egg just until the egg yolk and egg white are fully mixed.
Lay out your puff pastry and dust a small amount of flour on each side, dust your rolling pin and roll the pastry out. Divide into 2 equal rectangles and split one side into 8 equal squares and the other into 2 big equal squares.
Smear the edges of each square with some egg (this keeps the pastries closed, otherwise they might open while baking which will result in all the filling coming out), put white cheese at the center and close into a triangle. Once you are done with all of them, smear the top of each with some egg as well. If you wish to skip on the egg, you could replace it with water instead. The same technique applies for the Nutella filled pastry.
For the blueberry jam pastries, divide one of the larger squares into 4 equal squares. Cut the edges, but try not to cut them out completely – the point is to cut off some of the top layers of the pastry which will help us remove the top layer after baking it in order to fill it with jam.
Bake in preheated oven on 180C for about 20 minutes or until golden brown.

We will be happy to hear how this recipe turned out for you, leave a comment below to let us know!

And remember – keep on loving food!

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