

How to make butter the EASY WAY!!!
Homemade butter is so easy to make. You dont need anything fancy and actually one can involve a dance move that will make you laugh!!! (WATCH THE SHAKE IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT CLIP…..SKIP AHEAD TO 5:00 min mark!!!)
Starry loves not only canning butter but making it herself! She finds a good sale on whipping cream then she goes to town. TRUST her when she says this is the BEST butter you will ever eat! AND its easy to make!
Join Starry in her off grid kitchen for another winner of a recipe


  1. Lou Cee says:

    Great video, and I was just amazed at you shaking your left arm so much not a year past your accident! I am 3 months past my arm fracture and rotator injury, could not do that for 3 minutes. You truly are a Miracle Girl! Praise the Lord!

  2. below me says:

    that video went like…butta!

  3. Just browsing says:

    love it

  4. Henry Tignor says:

    Great video but it deserves more attention, check out: u2bzone(dot) C O M

  5. Crystal 72 says:

    It makes me happy to see you so full of life again Starry. By the way blue is a great color on you. I always notice that when you wear it.

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