
Spring Detox Smoothie – Diet Shake Recipes

8 Tbsp Almased • 6 oz coconut water • 6 oz water • 1 cup loosely packed baby kale • 2 Tbsp pineapple juice, unsweetened • 1/2 small cucumber (peeled) • 1 Tbsp fresh ginger, grated • 1 tsp Matcha green tea powder • 1 tsp stevia (optional)

1 portion contains 255 cal • 27 protein • 30 carbs • 1 fat
First, prepare the Matcha green tea. Pour 1 tsp of Matcha powder into a cup. Add 6 oz of hot water, just under boil. Wait 1-3 minutes to steep, then whisk vigorously until the tea is frothy. Allow the tea to cool to room temperature. Add 2 ice cubes to speed the cooling process.

Next, into a blender, add all ingredients, including tea. Blend for 15-20 seconds. Then pour into a glass and enjoy. For best digestive results, drink the shake slowly, spending 10-30 minutes to drink the whole shake.


6 oz green tea instead of 6 oz of Match green tea
6 oz pineapple coconut water instead of 6 oz coconut water and 2 Tbsp pineapple juice
1 Tbsp of mint instead of ginger if preferred.

Spring Detox is delightful and refreshing. You’re going to love this recipe!

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