
Thanksgiving Leftovers Pastry Star

Thanksgiving Leftovers Pastry Star

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What You’ll Need:

large circle of puff pastry (about 30cm diameter, 5mm thick)
200g leftover stuffing
200g leftover shredded turkey
6-8 slices brie
5 bacon rashers, roughly chopped
1 egg, whisked
cranberry sauce for serving
gravy for drizzling (optional)

How You Make It:

1.Preheat the oven to 200c. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.
2.Place the pastry circle on the tray and make 4 cuts in the centre to form an 8 line star shape (see video for details).
3.Spread the stuffing in a ring around the edge of the circle (leaving an inch clear). Top with shredded turkey, slices of brie and a sprinkling of bacon.
4.Brush the centre sliced circle with egg and pull each triangle out; secure to the outer edge to form a star shape. Brush the whole star with egg and bake for 25-30 minutes until golden brown.
5.Serve with warm cranberry sauce for dipping,

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  1. Ananya Francois says:


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