
The BEST Homemade Coffee Cake!

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The BEST Homemade Coffee Cake!

In today’s show, we’ll be making a wonderful homemade coffee cake recipe from scratch. This easy cinnamon coffee cake is a staple in our house. It’s so popular, it’s usually gone in about 30 minutes, so I usually make a double batch so that we can snack on some later. Join us today and see how easy it is!

The BEST Homemade Coffee Cake Recipe

Elly’s Ireland Trip Vee-log Day 0

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  1. Who Knows says:

    what’s happened to your plant by sink?

  2. Rosanna Judah-Elliott says:

    Looks Yum! Have a Crock-pot recipe for you! Place a 6 lbs or so of fresh or thawed out turkey breast in a crock-pot big enough to accommodate it and 1 can of chicken broth. I also add about a cup of water. Put the lid on and I cook mine on High for about 5- 6 hours. But you could also cook on low 6-8 hours. Test for doneness via thermometer if you need to. But I find it is just fine after about 6 hours. It falls apart! LOL! I make gravy from the “juices/broth”. I usually make it with mash potatoes and a vegetable. No muss, no fuss and it’s yummy! It’s a staple in our house! LOL!

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