The best Mushroom and Parmesan puff pastry/ Homeheadchef Recipes

Sick of the same old side dishes with your dinner?????? well here you go a beautiful light puff pastry stuffed with mushrooms and Parmesan cheese and herbs. it looks fancy but its super easy and tasty amazing. you can have them for a side dish or a get together, game day, holidays, any time really.

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ig- Homeheadchef


  1. Kitchen Queers says:

    These look super yummy and very sophisticated Chef Tony!

  2. La Sauce Productions says:

    Looks really tasty. I did mine with onion confit, if you’d like to have a look!

  3. Terri Eplen says:

    That looks YUMMY!! You’re making me HUNGRY! 🙂

  4. mike g says:

    damm man looks soo good do u have any left ??

  5. nattydread03 says:

    awesome recipe chef looks amazing i must try this

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