

Halo Semua, kembali lagi di Channel Pufflova. Hari ini aku akan share resep isian fla rasa vanila dan coklat. Minggu lalu aku sudah share resep sus krunchy yang diisi fla coklat dari resep ini. Buat yang belum cek, boleh di cek dulu sebelum nonton video ini ya. Resep isian fla ini adalah resep fla favoritku, selain lembut dan lumer, fla ini juga nggak terlalu manis. Yuk Cobain!

Basic Kustard:
2 kuning telur
35 gr gula pasir
2 sdm tepung terigu
160 ml susu cair UHT
1 sdt ekstrak vanilla

Krim Fla Vanilla:
1 Resep Basic Kustard
60 ml whipped cream cair

Krim Fla Coklat:
50 gr dark coklat
3 sdm coklat bubuk
40 ml susu cair UHT
1 Resep Basic Kustard
60 ml whipped cream cair

Resep Adonan Sus:

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Today, Pufflova is gonna be making Vanilla and Chocolate Pastry Cream. Last week I shared Choux au Craquelin or Crunchy Choux that used the same Chocolate Pastry Cream Recipe. Make sure you check that out first by clicking the link down bellow.

Thank you for watching this video, don’t forget to subscribe and like this video. See you guys next time! Bye..

Basic Custard:
2 egg yolks
35 gr granulated sugar
2 tbsp all purpose flour
160 ml milk
1 tsp vanilla extract

Vanilla Pastry Cream:
1 Recipe Basic Custard
60 ml Heavy Cream

Chocolate Pastry Cream:
50 gr dark chocolate
3 tbsp cocoa powder
40 ml milk
1 Recipe Basic Custard
60 ml heavy cream

Pate a Choux | Choux au Craquelin | Chrunchy Choux Recipe:

EMAIL : dear.pufflova @gmail.com

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