What 10 Months On A Raw Food Diet Did To Me (And Why I Stopped)

Today I’m sharing What 10 Months On A Raw Food Diet Did To Me (And Why I Stopped).

I actually never thought I’d ever quit being a 100% raw foodist. So I’m actually surprised at myself. In this video I explain why I had the sudden change of heart.

Resources mentioned in this video

1) Green Thickies Tools

80/10/10 Diet:

2) This Month’s Special Offers

Get a full month’s worth of Leaf System meal plans FREE to help you reach your ideal weight in the most nutritionally sound way imaginable:

3) Free Recipe Card

Get my new FREE Basic Green Thickies Recipe here:

4) Enter The Giveaway

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5) Related Resources You Might Like

I’ve compiled a list of helpful resources that will help you take things to the next level:
Green Thickies Recipes full playlist:

2 Ingredient Homemade Protein Powder Recipe:

Banana Peanut Butter Green Thickie Recipe:

Raw Vegan Cheese Sauce:

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Today I’m sharing What 10 Months On A Raw Food Diet Did To Me (And Why I Stopped). I actually never thought I’d ever quit being a 100% raw foodist. So I’m actually surprised at myself. In this video I explain why I had the sudden change of heart.

Hi, I’m Katherine from Green Thickies and I help busy people to reach their ideal body weight in the most nutritionally sound way imaginable while avoiding hunger, making and eating fast healthy, delicious food on the go.

After having a baby, I was no longer able to follow time consuming diets, as I literally had no spare time or energy. This is what led me to creating the Green Thickie which is a complete meal green smoothie that satisfies all of your nutritional needs. When you drink this for breakfast, and lunch you will satisfy your sweet tooth, reduce cravings and eliminate hunger, while dramatically increasing your energy levels. I’ve seen thousands of people reach their ideal weight by making this simple change in their diet. Best of all, it is long lasting. I have been drinking Green Thickies every day for 7 years and I feel better than ever.

It’s all change again for me and my diet haha!

I stayed on the raw vegan fruit based diet for 10 months. I had a great detox which I feel this diet is brilliant at giving your body a gentle detox. I feel I needed it after my celiac damage. I then started to feel really good. Then we had an unusual very long spell of hot sunny weather here lasting several months and during that time I spent a lot of time in the sun and felt absolutely amazing. Full of energy, so happy I could burst, I started running again and felt great.

Then the hot weather left us and the weather went back to very cold again very suddenly and my energy dropped about 50% at that time and my mood slipped. So perhaps it was the sun more than the diet, I’m not sure but I do feel amazing in the sun.

I was then struggling to eat cold raw food all the time and got a bit bored with it. I still felt fine apart from being freezing all the time, I had my heating on constant, 4 massive blankets/duvets on my bed, one of them was heated and still I couldn’t warm up. Also my overactive bladder got a lot worse, as it did last time due to the increase in water rich food.


  1. 3 Cases, 2 Kids, 1 Dream says:

    Wow your journey is amazing. Well done, we are going to get these recipes. Would be great for Keshra.

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