WHAT I EAT IN A DAY \ Raw Vegan 2400+ calories


☆ CONTACT ME: contactthevegansolution@gmail.com




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Forks Over Knives:
Best Speech You Will Ever Hear: …
101 Reasons to go Vegan: …

The China Study
The Starch Solution
How Not to Die
The Kind Diet
The Food Revolution
My Beef with Meat



  1. a a says:

    How about protein?

    • a a says:

      @The Vegan Solution for this day you how much protein took? And tanks for information and im vegan.

    • The Vegan Solution says:

      Really are you serious?? 😅😅
      Our body cannot properly absorb or utilize “protein.” It absorbs what protein is made up of which is known as *Amino Acids* These are some of the essential nutrients we require not protein. The body produces 11 of these, the other 9 we receive from an external source. This is our protein. Which is found easily in fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, root vegetables etc. Plants provide the purest form of these essential amino acids with none of the negative effects associated with animal protein. All “protein” originates from plants therefore animal flesh is simply recycled protein. Cut out the middle man go straight to the source, business 101. Why are plants the best source for humans?
      Because we are anatomically, biologically, physiologically, and instinctually plant eaters, specifically frugivores. Every species on the planet has a species-specific diet and to achieve true health we must abide by these laws of nature. There is a common misconception that we need to eat tons of protein to build muscle, that is FALSE. We don’t need nearly as much protein as you think…. the US government’s RDA (recommended daily allowance) is based on the ratio of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of lean body mass, and the United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO) more conservatively recommends 0.66 grams of protein per kilogram of lean body mass. Since the RDA is an inflated number designed to exceed the protein needs of 98% of the population, the WHO number is probably closer to your true needs…..You can put check it out for yourself on this link:
      For my body I need a minimum of 25-30g of protein per day. I easily get 45-70g of protein when I eat high raw and fully raw. And when I eat more cooked foods like root vegetables and beans, I can easily get 65-85g of protein a day. 💪 I have been eating this way (80/10/10 macro ratio) for over 6 years now, and I have lost body fat and gained lean muscle mass.

    • Erin Witter says:

      a a that’s what i was thinking lol wonder why so many people are leaving raw vegan i am all about balanced vegan diet

  2. Becky Gomez says:

    You are not scared of all the sugar you are eating ? Do you know someone died of eating only fruits ?

    • The Vegan Solution says:

      absolutely not! I have improved my health and fitness eating this way. Please see my videos here explaining:

      Simple sugars found in raw fruits are the main fuel for the body. These sugars are as essential to the body to function optimally. It helps to run the body via the cells. Every cell in the human body runs off of glucose. This is one reason why the body becomes stronger, vibrant and more energetic on these foods.
      Glucose is the primary source of energy for the body, every cell in the human body runs on glucose. Glucose and Fructose are both simple sugars and when partnered together in a whole, raw food like FRUIT it is the perfect fuel for our species 😘😁

      There is no such thing as too much sugar 😅 Simple sugars found in raw fruits are the main fuel for the body.
      These sugars are as essential to the body to function optimally. It helps to run the body via the cells. This is one reason why the body becomes stronger, vibrant and more energetic on these foods. Glucose is the primary source of energy for the body, every cell in the human body runs on glucose. Glucose and Fructose are both simple sugars and when partnered together in a whole, raw food like FRUIT it is the perfect fuel for our species. Packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, enzymes, amino acids, fatty acids, fiber and most importantly, simple sugars. Fruit cleanses the body and in particular the lymphatic system; it deeply nourishes the nervous system and brain. A high fruit diet is the best way to regenerate and heal your body. Fruit does not spike insulin when consumed correctly and it is actually used in the treatment of diabetes. ❤🙏✨

  3. Layla Darby says:

    Looks amazing

  4. Rose Leave says:

    Love this Dressing! 😍

  5. Morgan Nixon says:


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