
Choux Pastry Recipe by MIB College School of Hospitality | iCookAsia

Choux Pastry can be tasty. Check out this special Choux Pastry made by Chef Victor.Specially brought to you in collaboration with MIB College School of Hospitality. For more info about their program, checkout:

Ingredients Pastry
Water 440
Salt 4
Sugar 4
Unsalted Butter 220
All Purpose Flour 330
Eggs 495


1. Cook water, sugar, salt and butter in a stainless-steel bowl.
2. When liquid stars boiling, add flour all at once and mix with a wooden spatula. Cook for
a minute until the paste does not stick to the bowl.
3. Transfer the paste into mixing bowl and eggs gradually and mix well on medium speed.
4. If the mixture is still dry, additional eggs may need to be added.
5. To test the consistency, draw into the mix with your finger. If the mix closes back slowly,
then it is of the right consistency.
6. Transfer batter into a pipping bag fitted with a star tube and pipe out. Pipe a long shape of
éclair, a round shape for baskets and a shell shape for swans.
7. Prepare a paper cone and place some batter inside. Seal it and pipe a shape to resemble
the head and neck of the swan and also the tail. Pipe a U shape to resemble the handle for
the basket.
8. Bake at 220°C for 25 minutes. If baking with steam, release steam after 20 minutes.

Diplomat Cream

Whisk the custard; add Cream Cheese Frosting followed by Whipped Cream (Whipping Cream
100%, Non-Dairy Cream 100%) to lighten the cream.

Ingredients Grams
Milk 500
Vanilla Bean/Vanilla Essence 1
Sugar 65
Salt 1
Egg Yolks 120
Sugar 65
Custard Powder 35
All Purpose Flour 15
Unsalted Butter 50


1. In a saucepan, heat the milk with the vanilla bean, salt and the first quantity of sugar,
stirring to dissolve the sugar and bring to boil.
2. Whip the egg yolks with the remaining sugar.
3. Sift corn flour and add the egg mixture and mix well.
4. Temper the egg mixture by slowly beating in about half the hot milk. Then pour this
mixture back into the saucepan with the remaining milk. Bring to a boil, stirring
constantly, until thickened. Add melted butter.
5. Remove from and heat and immediately pour the cream into a bowl set over ice water.

Cream Cheese Frosting
Cream Cheese 500
Butter 125
Sugar Syrup / Glucose Syrup 150
Lemon Juice 5


1. With a paddle on medium speed, softened cream cheese for 10 minutes.
2. Add soft butter and mix for another 5 minutes.
3. Add sugar syrup and lemon juice over medium speed and mix for 5 minutes.
4. To make the Cream cheese frosting lighter and tastier, fold in half of the Diplomat

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