
Qulfa Shake Recipe Lively Weekend 7 April 2018

• Recipe Name: Qulfa Shake Recipe
• Dated: April 7, 2018
• Host Name: Kiran Khan
• Show Name: Lively Weekends – Masala TV

Enjoy the true essence and taste of ” Qulfa Shake ” while cooking in your kitchen with such an ease and must-have ingredients in your kitchen.

For more recipes, tips, and cooking technique, log onto:


  1. Bol Chaghi says:


  2. Siro San says:

    Love how Kiran Looks… so fresh and young..

  3. Nazifa Patel9mi0 says:

    Salam please other recipes upload kerde jzk

  4. Technical Abeer says:

    Hello friends ap is YouTube OK subscribers ka do plz friends sab Abeer ka do plz friends sabhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc5CNNrYXqLpsTJE1RS68xw😥👍🔔

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